Universal ROCKMIN PLUS stone wool boards with very good thermal and acoustic parameters are widely used in thermal insulation of single-family houses.
They work well as non-flammable insulation in many applications.
Non-flammable insulation:
ventilated flat roofs and attics,
wooden ceilings and floors on joists,
suspended ceilings, e.g. over unheated rooms,
curtain walls with a skeleton structure with a façade made of panels
(e.g. siding, boards),
partition walls
Reaction to fire class A1
Sound absorption coefficient αw, (AWi)
0.90 for thick. 50-99mm
1.00 for thick 100-200mm
Thermal conductivity coefficient λD=0.037 W/mK
Short-term water absorption WS (≤ 1 kg/m2)
Long-term water absorption WL(P) (≤ 3 kg/m2)
Water vapor diffusion resistance coefficient MU1
Durability of reaction to fire as a function of heat, weathering, aging/degradation - A1
The value of the thermal conductivity coefficient as a function of aging λ=0.037 W/mK