SEMPRE TERM EPS foamed polystyrene panels are manufactured by expanding polystyrene and forming the resulting balls at the appropriate temperature and pressure into a block with a light cellular structure.
It has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, low water absorption and high dimensional stability in various temperature conditions. It is also bio-resistant against mold, fungi and bacteria, which makes it suitable for a wide range of applications. Intended for use in construction as thermal insulation in sets of products for thermal insulation of external walls of buildings that meet the requirements of Technical Assessment / Approval / ETAG 004, in external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) that meet the requirements of PN-EN 13499.
The polystyrene panels should be installed in accordance with the building design documentation, manufacturer’s recommendations, while adhering to good construction practice principles. SEMPRE TERM EPS panels should not be used in places subject to long-term exposure to temperatures above 85oC. Construction adhesives designed for this type of work should be used for attaching polystyrene panels. We especially recommend TESOROMONT START TS-100 and TESOROMONT UNIWERSALNY TU-200. For detailed information refer to the Product Technical Data Sheet (