How to install decorative stone cladding?

How to install decorative stone cladding

 How to install decorative stone cladding?

 stone cladding step by step

  1. Preparation
    Coat a clean, dry and even surface with a primer. In the case of gypsum surfaces, prime twice. Level the wall by installing a straight strip at its bottom. The ambient temperature during stone installation should be between 5°C and 25°C. Before gluing the stone, check that it has no visible defects, and then clean the surface of the stone on which you will apply the glue with a rice brush. When laying stone for outdoor use, remember that the load of the tiles is transferred to the substrate. Fences or walls to which you glue the stone should have horizontal insulation from the foundations.

    2. Laying
    For gluing, depending on the type of stone, use the appropriate Stone Master glue, applying it to the tile with a notched trowel. If necessary, sand the edge of the stone, removing any irregularities. You can easily cut the concrete cladding with an angle grinder with a stone cutting disc, and the gypsum cladding with a wood cutting saw. After applying the adhesive to the stone tile, press it evenly onto the substrate.
    Since most of our products reflect naturally occurring minerals, and their production method is largely based on hand-forming and the use of natural ingredients, differences in the shade of individual elements of the collection are normal. In order to maintain the desired appearance of the surface, we recommend mixing elements from different packages during installation.

    3. Grouting
    Depending on the type of stone, lay it without joints or with joints. Start grouting after the adhesive has thoroughly dried, using a clinker grouting tool. When the grout has slightly set, smooth it out with an appropriate flat tool. Remove any residue of the mass that settles on the edges of the stone with a rice brush after the grout has completely dried.

    4. Protection
    After installation and/or grouting, protect the surface of the laid stone with the appropriate Stone Master impregnation for gypsum or concrete products. The impregnation makes it easier to keep the stone clean and prevents any efflorescence.
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